Thursday, April 21, 2011

When it Raines, it Pours

We must have passed Raines Law Room hundreds of times, but we didn't notice this subterranean speakeasy until our friends Max & Joanna pointed it out to us. It's a place you'd expect to come with an attitude, but we experienced nothing close to pretension.

After ringing the unmarked doorbell, the host quietly greeted us and ushered us to a semi-private alcove which we had reserved. The waitress told us she would remain scarce so as not to interrupt our conversation, but if we needed service to pull the chain on the wall. How utterly civilized. Even the menu was something to treasure-- a worn red leather album with gold photo corners and vintage type. I sipped on the French Affair while Ronak enjoyed the somewhat stronger Philadelphia Story.

1 comment:

  1. going to have to remember this place for the next time I come in for a weekend!
