Friday, February 18, 2011

Forbidden Fruits

After hearing numerous accounts of people getting sick from uncooked food in India, Mumbai began to feel like the Garden of Eden-- street vendors selling rainbow-colored fruit, freshly cut and beautifully arranged over palm leaves. Tempting, yes... but supposedly one of the many forbidden foods for a western stomach.

I couldn't help but approach the fruit at our hotel with the same apprehension. Ronak repeatedly reassured me that the food in the 5-star hotels is safe to eat. This was exactly what I wanted to hear as I was longing to taste two fruits I had never seen before: mangosteen and dragon fruit. Strangely, as beautiful as dragon fruit is with its fuschia skin, the flesh is unexpectedly dry & mealy. Mangosteen on the other hand is not at all pretty, but inside its hard shell holds sweet & juicy segments that taste much like lychee.

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