Monday, August 24, 2009

From the Beginning...

It all started with a night etched in memory, May 8th
At a tasting up north, Courtney & Chris cooked what we ate
Uptown Comfort in full fledge, where are our eyes first met…
Then, hung out the first time, over Arincini and Proscuitto sublime
The atmosphere at Bar Stuzzichini was like fate, and it felt so great
Moving on… to our formal first date…

Allen & Delancey, under candle light and wooded beams
Started our tradition of sharing plates to feed our fancies
Homemade latin dreams, felt like Romeo, at Café Colonial
Off to Brooklyn, thoughts to crack, over a meal at Bar Tabac

Such a thrill at the Blue Water Grill
A late night, thought we'd spark it, at the Spice Market
Eating by the service window, with waiters who knew each plate
No orecchiette at Cafe Steinhof in Park Slope, only gulasch, I hope
As far as mexican food go, dont go to Mexico Lindo
Dishes were just fine, not memorable, wish we skipped the drinks

A little brunch bend at Bar Almond
Get the pastrami & Eggs and Banana Bread
3 courses a trifecta, at Landmarc in Tribeca
We didn’t rescind, a nice meal at Tamarind
The most consistent restaurant in Flatiron, is Mizu Sushi,
Nice hangin out with the fam, there was no tussel,
just good eats at Flex Mussels
Another spot to short list, of the mouth, like Boqueria
Just some of our world, so that it can become so much clearer...


  1. I think I just gained back the 3 or 4 pounds I have been losing (very slowly) just reading about all the things you ate at all of these restaurants! I am surprised that you are not both as big as a house!
    Nice presentations here, and again, well written.

  2. I didn't know you were such a poet! So great. I also love the images - the tape is such a nice touch. I love how so many of your memories are around food - it's the same for us! :)
