Our good friends Silka and Jake, aka the Butcher & the Baker, do almost all their shopping at the Union Square Farmers Market. I admire their knowledge of seasonal produce and dedication to supporting local farmers. While I know my way around the market when it comes to buying plants, vegetables and fruits, I often pass by the meat, fish and dairy vendors. It's not that I'm not interested, but the prices tend to be higher and less items are on display, allowing a pile of jewel-like radishes to grab my attention instead.
I'd like to learn more about these vendors so today I shadowed Silka and Jake on their weekend shopping trip. They gave me a run down of their favorite places to buy meat and dairy, and let me in on their favorite selections from each.
I came home with a pint of half & half from Milk Thistle Farm, a bouquet of zinnias, homemade cider donuts, and seckel pears-- still no meat. I've decided that I'll go back this week more prepared with a recipe in mind and list in hand.
Great pictures! We had such a blast with you! Can't wait to do it again soon!